Tri-stage Emulsification pump
Tri-stage Emulsification pump
The emulsification pump (also called in-line high-shear dispersion mixer) is a high-efficient fine mixing equipment which integrates mixing, dispersion, crushing, dissolution, fine, depolymerizing, homogenization and emulsification, whose working components are mainly stator and rotator. The rotor rotates rapidly to produce centrifugal force and hydraulic force and the stator remains stationary. Through the precise combination of the rotor and the stator, a strong shear force is generated during high-speed rotation, and the material is subjected to strong shear, centrifugal extrusion, impact rupture, liquid friction, and uniform turbulence. Thus, various media such as immiscible solid phase, liquid phase, and gas phase are uniformly and finely dispersed and emulsified in an instant. After a reciprocating cycle, a stable and high-quality product is finally obtained.